TS 15. Immuno Synergy 15 - BODY GUARDIAN
Immuno Synergy 15
First Aid and Anti-Allergy
Immuno Synergy assists in supporting the function of the immune and respiratory systems. It is a suitable tonic for those who suffer from seasonal or environmental allergies, and for those with stressed immune systems. Helps to reduce inflammation and aids in the prevention of recurrent colds and flu. This combination of tissue salts is helpful in the management of cold sores (fever blisters), colds and influenza*; rhinitis and sinusitis**; hay fever and postnasal drip***.
Immuno Synergy contains the equivalent of five individual tissue salts:
Calc Sulph - helps to maintain the cell membrane integrity
Silicea - strengthens and cleanses the connective tissues
Nat Mur - the water balancer, helps with runny noses and streaming eyes
Ferrum Phos - the biochemic anti-inflammatory, helps to oxygenate and counteract infections
Kali Mur - helps to regulate mucus and maintain the mucous membranes