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  • TS 06. Kali Phos No. 6 Red - MIND POWER
SKU: TS 06.

TS 06. Kali Phos No. 6 Red - MIND POWER


Kali Phos No. 6 Red


Concentration and Tranquility

The biochemic brain and sensory nerve nutrient, Kali Phos supports the function of the nervous system and the heart. A wonderful nerve tonic and de-stress salt, it promotes wellbeing and vitality, and assists concentration and study.


Facial Analysis Signs:

  • Blue-grey ashen undertone to the area around chin or mouth, temples, and eyes

  • The entire face can appear this color

  • Sunken temples


Biochemic Mode of Action:

Kali Phos is primarily found in the brain, sensory nerves, muscles, and red blood cells. A deficiency results in a loss of physical, intellectual, and psychological power and can lead to despondency or a lack of interest in life. It also has an antiseptic action and prevents decay of the tissues. Every household should have this tissue salt in their kit!


Kali Phos is indicated to assist:

  • Exam stress

  • ADHD

  • Poor concentration or memory

  • Age related memory loss – senior moments

  • Exhaustion

  • Irritability

  • Tantrums

  • Nervousness

  • Melancholy

  • Grief

  • Noise or light sensitivity

  • Sensory nerve disorders

  • Insomnia

  • Halitosis

  • Foul-smelling sweat or secretion


Kali Phos is the remedy for jangled nerves.  As a nerve nutrient, it has become essential in the treatment of nervous conditions.  Used around the world as a nutural tranquilizer, it has helped people who have suffered from such problems as grief,  despair and sorrow for long periods of time.  Kali Phos apperars to restore direction and order to both the mind and the body.


In chronic ailments it is especially helpful in treating servere inflammation.  Kali Mur can help destroy waste material when the body is fighting off a fever or infection.  Because it is a building agent, give this remedy to aid the process of convalescing and rebuilding health.  Kali Mur helps to develop new vitality and energy.

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