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  • GEL K. Aranha God Elixir
  • GEL K. Aranha God Elixir

GEL K. Aranha God Elixir


GEl K. Aranha God Elixir

“I open myself to the Divine Magic of Love and enter the pure energy of creativity in sound and music. I allow myself to be in perfect peace and relaxation and totally in tune with my partner through Love. My heart opens for deep transformation and I enter deep Bliss in my whole Being”.

Pure Divine Heart Energy for deep Love and inner Creativity. A most exquisite experience of inner bliss, deep peace and timelessness. It takes us right into the pure Being energy of Life and into a new dimension in the world of Music and Sound. It heals the whole Being banishing all anguish, tension and pain and bringing deep inner peace and relaxation.

This is a must for all musicians and music lovers as it takes you right inside the very tones and sounds of music revealing the inner Soul and hidden gifts within the music. It is like experiencing the pure essence of Divine Music and resonating with the finest vibrations of life itself. You become the music of the Divine and your personal vibration perfectly melts into the pure Divine Sound blueprint behind your Being. You experience your unique essence with Aranha’s Elixir and the world of infinite imagination and creativity opens to you. Anything you wish to create becomes possible and take form with this exquisite elixir.

Aranha opens you to the Magic of Life where you can enter the pure enchantment of Divine Love. Years of care and tension just dissolve and we experience eternal Youth. He loves truth and harmony in life, and in personal creative expression through music. He is very soft and tender for a male and loves the expression of love in male /female relationships through courtship and love making. His Elixir can help to bring deep love and harmony into male/female relationships and experience pure bliss in lovemaking.

He is the Love/Creative Aspect of God on the mid Divine Planes. partner to the Goddess Ayesha and like her he brings pure love at the heart level for creativity and healing. She focusses on the Healing and He on the creativity, but both bring pure Divine Love for transformation at the heart level. Their 4th Divine Plane brings the magic healers, who are the unicorns, and the magical power creators, the dragons, who link with dragons and unicorns on our Astral Planes.

His Elixir contains the pale Emerald Green colour frequencies of the butterfly energies at Group 1-3 levels. These bring courage and strength at the heart level to overcome fears and anxieties and renew us at a Heart level. Our heart centre is supported and strengthened.

The sea essence energy is a Feather Star of a species called "Comatulidae" - their energy brings a mystical quality of Light and Beauty to the Heart. It links with the karmic angels of the 4th Ray bringing deep support and a healing to past life traumas.

Clymene Dolphin energy brings a very light, illuminated and fluid consciousness so we can see and understand what is happening on many levels simultaneously. We can develop more mental flexibility and improved responsiveness to many situations very quickly. It brings very precious qualities of consciousness and perception to bring greater wellbeing, Minke Whale is an empowerment energy for finding greater balance in the extremes of our life. Helps us to effortlessly integrate and balance with others around us, bringing greater social and harmony with others from many races and backgrounds. Learning languages is enhanced and all levels of communication can improve.

King Protea is the flower energy and it brings incredible creativity and the strength to yourself in all situations. It symbolises your unique Divinity and the power of magic and transformation to be the ‘star that you are’. ( the signature of the flower is that of a star).

His gem energy is Malachite - it is protective, and Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. It opens the heart to unconditional love. Encourages risk-taking and change, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings.

Rei the Seraphim Angel stimulates sexuality for magical lovemaking and deep heart joy with a partner.
Sinea the Cherubim Angel helps reconciliation and healing where there are deep relationship hurts and wounds coming from the past. 

Aranha has beautiful scent of Rosewood, Rosewood has been used for a VERY long time in the treatment of ailments, both physical and spiritual. It can really help to keep your energy up and soothe the nervous system, highlighting your own intuitive healing abilities.



The God Elixirs –

How to use the God Elixirs? You can spray them in your living space or directly over the body.  I like to use them at the end of my morning ritual.  I use the Goddess Elixirs, then the essences and finish with a God Elixir.  I feel this gives me the energy to go out to the world and do what I have come here to do with their full support and energy.  It‘s that feeling that they have your back and their energies are a fabulous support for your day. 

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