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Understanding Card #33

One day course (No prerequisite for this course)

145 dólares estadounidenses
Location 1

Descripción del servicio

Life is a journey and sometimes we are asked to do things we just don’t understand why. After we allow some time to pass, we can see the bigger picture the important piece we played in the unfolding story of life. It is through these experiences that our soul grows and expanses. This card sits at the top of the Tree of Life on the Feminine side UNDERSTANDING. There is something more going on and you are just a piece of the puzzle but a very important part. With this card we will explore and find the limitations that we have placed on ourselves that are running deep on the unconscious levels. This includes past lives, family history patterns, and ancestral patterns. If this works calls to you, I hope you will join us in finding theses lower vibrations and deactivate them so will allow ourselves to be free and liberated. Class schedule will be posted to Supporting products ( Should be started one week before class) WE 04 Sperm Whale DE 14 Risso Dolphin SE 23 Crown of Thorns Sea Essence BE 26 Vaza Risiron Butterfly Essence GEl g) Viema Goddess Elixir GEL i) Maharastha God Elixir There is No prerequisite for this course

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